Vier Schülerinnen und Schüler der 7BRg durften als erste Projektmitglieder gemeinsam mit Maga Michaela Reichardt und Maga Silvia Bruckner-Nittnaus beim Erasmus+ Treffen in Langon teilnehmen und gemeinsam mit Partnerschulen aus Frankreich, Deutschland, Norwegen und Rumänien am Projekt “From Digital Na(t)ive to Digital Navigator“ arbeiten. Hier der Bericht der begeisterten TeilnehmerInnen:
We arrived in Langon on Saturday around noon and spent the afternoon with our host families. The whole weekend we had time get to know our hosts better and enjoy activities like sightseeing in Langon, Bordeaux and other nearby cities, ice skating, eating cheese and visiting the Dune du Pilat.
On Monday morning we were welcomed at school and saw all the students from the other countries for the first time. We got a walk through the school, did some ice breaking games, held our presentations and participated in the first workshop, which was about creating a fake Facebook profile for Erasmus. The afternoons were spent with the host families.
On Tuesday we all traveled to Bordeaux by bus and got a lecture and talks by teachers and journalists at IJBA (Institute of Journalism in Bordeaux Aquitaine). Afterwards we had free time to spend and went on a tour through the city with French students as our guides.
On Wednesday we spent the first period in the normal classes of our hosts, which was very interesting, even though we didn’t understand much. The French students then presented the results of their online survey, which we, our parents and grandparents had filled out previously to our visit. Later a professor from the IJBA held an engaging talk about the internet and social media. Since Wednesdays are short school days in Langon, we used the opportunity to go bowling with a group of Erasmus students from all countries.
On Thursday, we again spent the first period in the usual classes of our hosts. We then had a workshop on creating guidelines for the use of social media and copyright. After lunch we presented the results from the workshops to the Erasmus team, which were the Facebook profile for Erasmus and the guidelines. Subsequently, we watched the French film “The Spanish Apartment”. Afterwards we went to the farewell party. Everybody was in a good mood, we had delicious local food, the school band played, we looked at pictures from the week and danced. Sadly, at the end of the party, it was time to say goodbye to our new friends from all across Europe.
On Friday morning we said good bye to our hosts and traveled to Bordeaux by train. We strolled through the city center and then took the bus to the airport.
Overall, we had a lot of fun this week. We experienced new things, learned a lot and made new friends. Erasmus is a great project and we would participate again anytime.
by Theresia Fiala, Zeno Köszegi, Jakob Reichl, Julia Tiedl 7BRg